The ideal lighting for aquatic turtles

Welcome to Reptiles Expert! Here you will find valuable information on the ideal lighting for aquatic turtles. All species (including ornamental turtles) are fascinating reptiles that have special lighting requirements. One crucial component is UVB lighting, which is essential for the animals' vitamin D3 synthesis. In this article, we present a recommendation for terrarium lighting.

UV metal halide lamps - the basking spot your tortoise needs

Modern UV metal halide lamps with electronic ballasts are the best choice to meet the needs of your aquatic turtles. These lamps not only provide the essential UVB light for vitamin D3 synthesis, but also heat and visible light. Here are the benefits in detail:

UVB light:

UVB rays are essential for aquatic turtles as they enable the production of vitamin D3 in their skin. This vitamin is crucial for the absorption of calcium, which in turn is essential for bone and shell health. Diseases such as rickets or a soft tortoise shell are thus prevented.


Aquatic turtles are cold-blooded animals and need an external heat source to regulate their body temperature. The UV metal halide lamps generate heat and thus increase the body temperature. The animal becomes active and can hunt and digest. The heat is also important for vitamin D3 synthesis (together with UVB radiation).

Visible light:

In addition to UVB and heat, these lamps also emit very bright visible light, which mimics the natural lighting in your turtles' habitat and keeps the animals active and vital. Modern metal halide lamps have the best light spectrum of all terrarium lamps. They ideally imitate natural sunlight.

Conclusion: The optimum lighting for happy turtles

The UV lamp is placed above the basking area in the dry area. If the basking spot is above a stone or piece of wood in the water - then above it.

The turtle's entire body should be covered by the cone of light. Vitamin D3 synthesis only takes place in the skin layers of the head and extremities - not on the turtle's shell.

For smaller animals (up to 15 cm), a 35 watt lamp approx. 20-25 cm above the animal is sufficient. For larger species, you can switch to a 50 watt (distance approx. 30cm) or a 70 watt lamp (distance approx. 40cm).