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Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about UV light in the terrarium

Important tips and advice on UVB lamps in the terrarium

Why do reptiles need special terrarium lighting?

The body temperature of the reptiles rises through exposure to sunlight and thus the animal only reaches operating temperature. Only then do the metabolic processes (including digestion) function properly. The terrarium lamp provides warmth and also the important UVB radiation. This starts the production of vitamin D3 and the animal stays healthy. Sufficient calcium for bone growth and the formation of eggshells is formed and the dreaded rickets (softening of the bones) is prevented.

Why is UVB light so important for reptiles?

UVB radiation and heat create vitamin D3 in the top layers of the skin. This ensures a sufficient plasma calcium level (= enough calcium for the bones). The shell of a turtle does not become soft and the dreaded softening of the bones (rickets) is prevented. In female animals, there is enough calcium available for the production of the egg shell.

Why is warmth so important for reptiles?

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals and cannot keep their body temperature stable. You need the sun to warm up. Only then do all the important metabolic processes work. The heat is also necessary for the important vitamin D3 synthesis (together with UVB radiation).

How do I choose the right UV lamp for my terrarium?

The aim is to imitate the natural solar radiation for the animal as well as possible. A typical desert reptile (e.g. bearded dragon) needs much more UV radiation, light and heat than a Mediterranean animal (e.g. tortoise) or a reptile from the shady rainforest. The higher the wattage of the UV lighting and the smaller the distance between the lamp and the animal, the higher and more intense the radiation output. As an aid, we have developed the Reptiles Expert UVB Matrix - with recommendations for the most common reptile species.

How can a terrarium lamp replace the natural sun?

The UV lamp in the terrarium must imitate the sun as much as possible. Both UVB radiation, bright visible light and thermal radiation are part of natural solar radiation. Modern metal halide UV lamps are the best technology available today for all of these three factors. The UVB radiation in the important spectrum for the vitamin D3 synthesis to prevent bone softening (rickets), the very bright visible light for well-being and the natural heat radiation from above ensure that living conditions in the terrarium are as natural as possible.

Which is the best lamp for my terrarium?

The most modern technology available today are UVB metal halide lamps. They deliver the important UVB radiation, bright visible light and heat - all with just one lamp. For most reptile species, this is the technology of choice. The Reptiles Expert UVB Matrix is helpful when choosing the right lamp: Here you will find recommendations for UV lighting for the most common reptile species.

Why is vitamin D3 so important for reptiles?

Vitamin D3 synthesis is essential for reptile bone building. Insufficient vitamin D3 means dangerous diseases such as softening of the bones (rickets) - for example, the shell of turtles becomes soft or broken bones develop. In female animals, the additional calcium requirement during egg formation can lead to even more serious deficiency symptoms. Modern UV lamps emit the necessary UVB light and heat to produce vitamin D3.

What is the function of calcium in the metabolic process of reptiles?

Calcium (more precisely: calcium carbonate) is very important for reptiles - just like us humans - for building bones. Calcium deficiency leads to diseases such as rickets (softening of the bones), deformations, softening of the shell of turtles and general growth disorders.

What is the difference between UVA, UVB and UVC?

Ultraviolet light lies in the electromagnetic spectrum outside of the (for us humans) visible light. There are 3 types: UVA is the longest wave (least dangerous) UV light and almost completely reaches the earth's surface through the atmosphere. Many reptiles can see UVB light (we humans cannot). UVB is very important for the vitamin D3 synthesis and therefore for the health of the reptiles. UVC is the short-wave (most dangerous) UV light and is almost completely filtered by the atmosphere. It is used for disinfection. UV terrarium lamps emit UVB and UVA - but must never emit dangerous UVC radiation.

Do the UV lamps also emit UVA?

Yes, all high-quality terrarium lamps also emit UVA radiation. Many reptiles see UVA, which is why this radiation fulfills an important function for the well-being of the animals. However, UVA does not play a role in the vitamin D3 synthesis - that is the task of the UVB spectrum of the lamp.

Why we wrongly estimate solar radiation

The summer in Central Europe is easy to describe in comparison to the Mediterranean region: too short, too humid and too cold. Our reptile friends are cold-blooded animals and therefore a sufficiently high temperature and light intensity (including UV light) is essential for survival. Warmth and light are the fuel for our reptiles. The solar radiation measured in watts per square meter is twice as strong in Greece as in Central Europe and in North Africa almost three times as strong as here.

How do I mount my UV lamp correctly?

The lamp should always be installed directly above the sunny spot. This ensures that the sun is imitated as closely as possible. The UV radiation, the visible light and the heat must come from above. Reptiles are also best able to deal with this, as the head shape with bony bumps above the eyes forms a natural protection. A lamp mounted at an angle would damage the sensitive retina of the eyes over a short distance. There are different options for the actual assembly. You can hang the lamp above the sun place, it can be mounted on a metal rod or - in the case of climbing animals - it can be mounted over a protective sheet or gauze. Direct installation on the terrarium ceiling would of course be ideal.

My terrarium lamp does not start anymore - what is the cause?

If the UV reptile lamp does not ignite or no longer ignites, it may also be due to the metal contacts in the socket. Even if the lamp worked before. The ignition voltage is over 4500 volts and the contacts are the tricky point in the overall system. The contacts in the ceramic base must be tight against the lamp socket. Screwing in more tightly is often enough. The reasons can be manufacturing differences in the lamps (some ignite more easily, some require very firm contact) or corrosion, dirt, bent contacts on used sockets. If the lamp is screwed in tightly, the socket is clean, the contacts are in perfect contact - and the UV lamp still does not ignite - then everything is clear and the lamp is unfortunately really defective.

Do your UV lamps work with all electronic ballasts?

The simple answer to this: yes - no problems! Modern UVB lamps for terrariums are so-called metal vapor lamps and require an electronic ballast. This electronic ballast starts the UV reptile lamp with a very strong ignition pulse of up to 4500 volts and then regulates it down. Each of our lamps starts without any problems with all electronic ballasts available on the market and can be operated for years. Of course, the wattage of the lamp must match that of the electronic ballast. We have even tested all known electronic ballasts with our UV terrarium lamps and checked the UVB output using a solar meter. The result: We couldn't find any differences.

Why do you need an electronic ballast (or starter)?

Modern UVB lamps for terrariums are so-called metal vapor lamps and require an electronic ballast. This electronic ballast starts the UV reptile lamp with a very strong ignition pulse of up to 4500 volts and then regulates it down. This strong starting current ignites the gas mixture (metal halide) in the glass flask. In operation, these lamps then consume less electricity and have a higher output than the older mixed light or mercury vapor lamps. If no electronic ballast is used, a metal halide lamp will not start at all.

Why UV metal halide lamps are the best choice - what are the advantages?

The main advantage is that modern metal halide UVB lamps emit UVB radiation, very bright visible light and heat from above. The electronic ballast (EVG) starts the lamp more gently and less electricity is used during operation. Therefore this technology is much more economical. But that's not all: the quality of the light spectrum and the color stability is much higher. This allows the reptiles to see their surroundings more naturally than with other UV lamps. This technology is also more robust and stable than the older comparable products. It also has a longer life expectancy.

What different UV lamp technologies are there and which one is ideal for my animal?

Reptiles need UVB light and thermal radiation in the terrarium - both are important for vitamin D3 synthesis. The lighting should also emit a bright, natural light in the visible range. Modern UVB metal halide lamps deliver all of this in the highest possible quality and at the best price ratio. The previous technology are so-called mixed light or mercury vapor lamps. Although they do not require an electronic ballast, they cannot be compared with modern metal halide lamps in terms of stability, brightness, light color and power consumption. UV compact or fluorescent tubes only work over a short distance and generate almost no heat. That is why they are primarily used for shade-loving reptiles, amphibians or young animals in small terrariums. The Reptiles Expert UVB Matrix gives recommendations for the right lamp for which animal. Normal halogen lamps or heat lamps do not emit any UV light at all and are therefore not comparable.

What is the difference between Desert and Jungle UV lamps?

Some manufacturers differentiate between "desert" and "jungle / rainforest". The difference is the light color in the visible area. Desert stands for 6000 Kelvin (that is pure white) and Jungle for 4000 Kelvin (a warmer, yellowish white). The essential factors for choosing a terrarium lamp are how much UV light, how much visible light and how much heat this lamp emits. It all depends on the lamp technology, the wattage and the distance between the lamp and the animal. The more watts, the brighter the visible light, the more UV light and the warmer the place in the sun. Desert animals need high wattage - rainforest animals that spend more time in the shade generally need lower wattage. It is sufficient to concentrate on these essential points when choosing the right terrarium lamp. In our opinion, an additional - minor - differentiation through the light color is not necessary.

What is the difference between flood, spot and mini UV lamps?

It is simply a matter of different reflector sizes or headlight sizes. These glass reflectors are standardized. The most common reflector sizes in terraristics are PAR 38 = Flood, PAR 30 = Spot and PAR 20 = Mini. A larger reflector (eg: Flood / PAR 38) has a larger diffuser and a wider beam angle. This means that the illuminated area is larger at the same distance - that is the main reason why this type of construction is used. The spot or PAR 30 is the standard size and sells best. The Mini or PAR 20 is very small and is particularly suitable for rearing or when there is little space due to the low height of the terrarium.

When do I have to change my UV lamp?

Since the UV radiation decreases with age, even with the most modern light sources, the lamp must be replaced at regular intervals. The UV lamp should be replaced after a total irradiation time of approx. 3500 hours. That does not mean immediate disposal - you can continue to use a used lamp with a lower UV intensity even with young animals or less sun-loving species.

How do UVB values develop over time?

It is a fact: the UV radiation diminishes over time and the terrarium lamps need to be replaced. The combustion processes in the glass bulb create waste products that build up on the inside of the surface and act like a filter. Our experience is that the lamps should be replaced after approx. 3500 operating hours. Then they only have about half of the original UV output. However, visible light and heat radiation remain the same.

Is the UV light from the terrarium lamp dangerous for people?

Terrarium lamps must be installed as vertically as possible so that the UV light does not shine diagonally into the eyes of the reptiles and thus damage them. Outside the cone of light, the UV values are very low and not dangerous at all. Even if you don't use an additional aluminum reflector and perhaps some light emerges from the glass bulb of the lamp, no UV radiation can be measured there.

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